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SC-EDI Platform

By August 8th, 2022Products

EDI Platform

(Electronic data exchange)

A platform of guaranteed and secure transmission of data and documents of any type

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Organize work with counterparties without any paper and mail offices

Automate processes and save company resources

Maintain business efficiency while working remotely


Totally corresponds to the legal acts of the Republic of Belarus concerning the mechanisms of marking and traceability of goods and regulation of the format, structure and process of EDI



EDI Platform

Electronic documents

BLRDLN/BLRDNR — electronic consignment notes (eCTN)
BLRWBL/BLRWBR — electronic bill of lading (eBOL)

Electronic messages

ORDERS/ORDRSP – an order
BLRDOC – free form document
DESADV – shipment notification
BLRINV – act
BLRPMT – invoice for settlements
BLRSPT – message for cross-border trade
BLRAPN и APERAK– служебные сообщения


Faster fulfillment of business processes


Saving money and labor resources for working with documents


Benefits of using EDI

Completed integration with

GIS “Electronic Sign”
in terms of obtaining (ordering) and working with marking codes (is at the testing stage)

(Software Package “Traceability System for Goods” AIS “Tax Settlement”) in terms of verification and transfer of eCTN and eBOL by groups of goods subject to traceability mechanisms

Electronic data storage
in terms of transferring electronic consignment notes for storage and creating a repository for supervisory authorities

Provider's office

For EDI provider employees

Client's personal account

For employees of business entities who work directly with electronic documents and electronic messages

Office of the controlling supervisory body

For employees of controlling supervising bodies (State Customs Committee and Ministry of Taxation) for execution of controlling and supervising functions in terms of electronic documents

EDI Connector

Designed for transportation (receiving/sending) of electronic documents and electronic messages by users of business entities

EDI Adapter

Designed to convert messages from user format (the format of the accounting system of the business entity) into SC-EDI Plarform format for EDI-provider and vice versa

EDI Processor

Serves for transportation between EDI participants and format-logical control of electronic documents and electronic messages


Serves to provide functionality for working with Avest EDS keys in the form of services, which allows to make the signing mechanism independent from browsers

How does EDI work?


Create, sign, and send a document

from the accounting system or accounting office

Your partner immediately receives documents

or messages and delivery notifications

You will receive a notification back

that the document has been delivered

All documents are stored

in your accounting system and in your account for free

Documents and messages are permanently available

for downloading and printing and are easy to find

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