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SoftClub at Minsk Smart City Forum 2020

By October 11th, 2022Conferences

Minsk Smart City Forum was held for the first time on June 16-19, a forum for creators of smart cities, took place for the first time.

Oleg Kernogo, Deputy Director for Technology and Quality Assurance, SoftClub LLC, spoke in the section “Working with data in the field of Smart City” with a report “Big data of intelligent buildings: how to collect, how to use”. The main problem raised in the report is the lack of detailed standards for the collection and transmission of information. At the same time, the processes for the accrual and payment of utility services are built quite competently and clearly.

The solution to the problem is standardization, which will lead to the openness of all interested market participants. Also in the report was presented a unique hybrid device, developed jointly with our partners – a meter, which, although assembled in the case of a simple electric meter, will be able not only to collect, but also to quickly transmit data on the consumption of electricity, water, and gas.

– “Judging by the questions that the listeners did not hesitate to ask, the main idea – solving the issue of collecting data, examining the building as a whole, without inter-government borders – immediately aroused increased interest, ” says Oleg Kernoy. – Questions and reactions were not strained, the interest was lively and practical.

Later, already among specialists on the sidelines, it was discussed that our technical solution had made an impression. We really touched on a burning topic.

After the report, Oleg Leonidovich took part in the discussion “Smart city data: for the state, city, citizens”. In this discussion, the focus for us was the usefulness of accumulating detailed metric data and extracting from it (using modern mathematics) very useful information, the most valuable knowledge concerning everyone.

The authority of the SoftClub company, as responsible and honest professionals, only strengthened from such a report. This is strategically important for us – we have once again reminded of ourselves. And our state was reminded that we are not worse, but better than our neighbors in terms of civilized informatization (ERIP is a landmark achievement of the country and our company). We are confident that in terms of digitalization we will also catch up and overtake neighboring countries. All difficulties in the digitalization of housing and communal services can be corrected here.

There is also hope for the solution of subjective obstacles (only in our country the newest and unique standard of intelligent building systems – the USKIZ standard) has emerged. And resources or investments, if necessary, are very few. The investment pays off from the very first day, as we immediately switch to solutions that are 10-20 years younger. It seems that we also touched upon an important topic here. Yes, it seems that no one has an alternative solution in terms of modernity, completeness and efficiency. What will come of it? Whether we will take advantage of this moment with our partners – we will very soon find out.