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By February 15th, 2021For Banks

Automation of retail business of the bank

SC-RETAIL combines the complex business processes of the retail banking business into a single integrated system. The system provides the ability to comprehensively automate the design and maintenance of retail products to attract monetary funds, that involves:

  • customer service workflow automation
  • automation of accounting for transactions with retail products on accounts
  • providing private customers with access to a variety of service channels when using the bank’s retail products


The SC-RETAIL interacts with the SC-BANK NT CHD at the core level of the system, which provides uniform approaches to:

  • management and management of NSI;
  • maintaining and managing access rights;
  • product billing;
  • building and maintaining a single file of clients;
  • building and maintaining a single file of contracts;
  • the construction and maintenance of a single card index of bank divisions;
  • organization and accounting;
  • building and maintaining the bank’s operational days;
  • management of events and processes of the banking day;
  • preparation of mandatory reporting.

Economic impact

SC-RETAIL enables the bank to expand and scale its business, strengthen market positions, optimize and improve business processes, reduce labor costs for customer service operations, minimize operational risks and potential losses associated with operations.

Increased operational efficiency is achieved by:

  • optimization of the distribution of functions in the bank’s infrastructure and centralization of service processes in the head office;
  • reduction of operational risks due to automation of control over the implementation of business process regulations;
  • reducing the complexity and time of the process of obtaining mandatory reporting due to the lack of processes for the transfer and synchronization of data;
  • improving the quality of customer service through the use of complete information about the client, the products used by him and personally oriented offers, collected in one window;
  • reducing the cost of analyzing the quality of the information used.

SC-RETAIL allows to improve the quality of banking organization in the retail business. Using SC-RETAIL PC to manage business processes is a modern approach to business management, which provides a more efficient, flexible and transparent organization of work.

The presence of business process management tools allows to:

  • increase productivity of infrastructure: space, systems and people – supporting business processes;
  • plan and control the progress of work and tasks;
  • scale the retail business;
  • improve communication between bank structures.

Using SC-RETAIL optimizes and improves the efficiency of three models of banking retail business

1. Product Model

It is concentrated on supporting the differentiation of the bank by products in the retail market. The completed implementation of the product model allows you to quickly adjust products and services, according to market changes and to modernize business processes in accordance with changes in products.

2. Operating model

It is concentrated on building effective business processes and their compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The basis of this model is the principle of centralization of operational work, that allows optimize business processes for the bank at large.

3. Organizational model

It is concentrated on supporting the bank’s infrastructure and customer service channels, the optimal distribution of functions throughout the bank’s infrastructure.

The SC-RETAIL system can be delivered either as a traditional application or as front-office modules with a web interface, which are not inferior to traditional ones in terms of ease of use.

Web version benefits:

  • minimizes bank expenses on royalties to manufacturers of operating systems
  • more flexible integration options
  • scalability and resilience
  • ease of administration and monitoring of the system at a large

The product is designed with the best practices in building corporate financial systems.

Three-tier architecture and cross-platform allows you to use any operating system, both on the workstations of performers and on servers.